♥ Entrecard Drop List ♥

Everyday I drop away.... Riding the "ec train", or a quick drop site depending on my mood and time available. But here's my problem.... The quick drop sites are sometimes filled with blogs that haven't updated in months ( I like to read the blogs or at least skim) or aren't participating anymore .. So help me grow to my 300 Please ♥

Just comment me with your url and I'll add you... If you'd like to use my drop list, your welcomed to do so... Not only do they drop back, they have great posts!

HINT: If you have Mozilla and the Linky add on it really saves time. I use that and open 20 at a time.

My Top Dropper Award:

Entrecard Top Dropper Award

  1. Ad Master
  2. A Second Cup
  3. Margie and Edna
  4. As The Crackerhead Crumbles
  5. Orient Lodge
  6. MamaFlo's
  7. Grampy And You
  8. Fort Tompson
  9. Darnuth Keep
  10. Ms. Recipe
  11. Random Ramblings
  12. Beyond Left
  13. Small Town Mommy
  14. Cinnamin Spice
  15. Your Fun Family
  16. My Kids Are My World
  17. Health Nut Wannabee Mom
  18. Kitchen Retro
  19. Matthias Chronicles
  20. Split Rock Ranch
  21. Conversations With Mom
  22. Wii Mommies
  23. Momspective
  24. Rambling Thoughts
  25. I Love Hate America
  26. Screaming In Me Me
  27. Junk Food-aholics
  28. Erickson Looney Bin
  29. Home In The Ozarks
  30. Momspective reviews
  31. 1 Blog 2 Sides
  32. Pregnant w/ Cancer
  33. Pyscotic Housewife
  34. Life Marriage and Kids
  35. Blogs With Wings
  36. Stay At Home Mom
  37. Crabby Blogging Lady
  38. Home For The Holidays
  39. Sited and Blogged
  40. First Door On the Left
  41. Holy Cuteness
  42. Grandmother Wren
  43. Mama Thinks
  44. Pinkaholic
  45. Mumblings
  46. A Lil Enchanted
  47. Work at Home
  48. My Little Home
  49. Dashery Jewlery
  50. Anything goes w/ Pahn
  51. A Rose By Name
  52. Widgets For Bloggers
  53. D Anjhel Scraps Of Life
  54. Lifesigns Life Quotes
  55. And There Ya Go
  56. Ok Now What
  57. Monkey Arcade
  58. Losing It-Getting Fit
  59. Window in the web
  60. Blogger Rap
  61. The Journey
  62. Comedy Plus
  63. DB Comix
  64. Mature Not Senile
  65. Not Your Typical Weightloss Blog
  66. Article Marketing Methods
  67. Designed By Jen
  68. Hereand Now
  69. Wishing on a Falling Star
  70. Glaring Ideas
  71. Welcome To My Looneyverse
  72. Superficial Gallery
  73. Autism Learning Felt
  74. My Christian Diary
  75. The Sewing Mom
  76. Advertising For Sucess
  77. Inside my Head
  78. At Home With Auntie E
  79. Whatever Comes To Mind
  80. Super Jenn
  81. Entreblogger
  82. Happily Blended
  83. Mom 2 Ways
  84. Free Stuff In Vegas
  85. Symphony Of Love
  86. Lainys Musings
  87. Luv A Bargain
  88. All Stace All the Time
  89. Divine Miss Mommy
  90. J.Leigh Designs
  91. Crimson Sparkle
  92. Comatised
  93. THeCooling Stream
  94. Bible Examples
  95. Picture To People
  96. Cranky W/o Coffee
  97. Da Old Man
  98. Retro Yakking
  99. Review Spew
  100. Redhead Ranting
  101. Un Mom
  102. No Effin Mom Blog
  103. Hip 2b Mom
  104. Crazy Mom w/ 4 boys
  105. Three Peas In A Pod
  106. Angels In My Life
  107. Just My Rambling
  108. Mummy Diaries
  109. Diana Rambles
  110. Shannon Blogs Here
  111. Gay Dads In Munchkinland
  112. Lovely Purses
  113. Grandmas House Of Sweeps
  114. Ollie Mckays
  115. Sweet Seredipity
  116. Black Is Beautiful
  117. Bali Island
  118. Fabulously Funky
  119. Blancasphere
  120. BLAH!
  121. Green Nation
  122. Mama Thinks
  123. Made To WOrship
  124. Perfect Shave
  125. The Divine Miss Mommy
  126. After Cancer Now What
  127. Frantic Holly
  128. Harriet
  129. Contest Hub
  130. Mr moms unite
  131. all about babies
  132. one minute guide
  133. cornymans money blog
  134. cornymans blog reviews
  135. A madison Mom
  136. Art and Science of Parenting
  137. Who Needs School?
  138. My Virtual Journal
  139. Prose of Relevance
  140. Pinay Endeavor
  141. Simply Being Mommy
  142. The Pond
  143. Happy Healthy families
  144. Desperate gossip
  145. Wannabe Wahm
  146. All Stace all the time
  147. Cute as a Buggy

26 Sweet Comments:

Perfect Shave said...

Please add me in your drop list http://perfectshave.blogspot.com

Unknown said...

Added Thanks♥

Susan Cook said...

Thanks for adding me to your drop list. :)

StacieinAtlanta said...

I would love to be added to your drop list.




Sherri said...

Thank you so much for adding me to your drop list:)

Kate Burton said...

You can add me on http://www.aftercancernowwhat.com


Unknown said...

I added you Kate and Stacie♥ Thanks {{hugs}}

cornyman said...

You can add all four blogs from my google profile... i drop usually on you already!

shaine said...

Thanks for adding me.

tahtimbo said...

Could you add me to your list...

Everyday Living: http://mrmomsunite.blogspot.com

Thank you

I am Harriet said...

please add


Frantic Holly said...

I drop on you each day and have added your other site. http://www.ilikeitfrantic.net

Unknown said...

Thanks soo much! Your all on there now ☺

Colleen @AMadisonMom said...

Add me please!

Mom said...

Add me, too, please...



tx sweetie said...

hi i would love to be on ur drop list too, pls include my blogs here and we'll drop each other's blogs then.


ty in advance

Simply Being Mommy said...

Please add me:

Thanks :)

Karen said...

Please add The Pond to your list. I just recently discovered your blog and have been dropping on your card. I love a blog that has content that I enjoy and can comment on.

Irene said...

Can you please add:


Thanks so much!!!

cornyman said...

thanks for adding my four blogs in the last weeks!!

StaceyC4 said...

Hey! I would love to be on your drop list! Please add www.allstace.blogspot.com. Thanks!

Unknown said...

So sorry I just got back to you all thanks so much and your all added♥ Thanks for dropping☺

Beth said...

I'm back to dropping, and hopefully to posting...

Kirhat said...

Sweet list! I also back drop everyday. You can add my sites to your list:

Seek No More
Nesting Buddy

Frugal Vicki said...

I would love to be added, thanks!

One Creative Queen said...

Hey - I would absolutely love to be added to your list, if it isn't too much trouble. :) It's a great list - it's funny that we visit a lot of the same fantastic blogs!


Thanks! :)

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