It's Tip and Sip mug has a perfect temperature compartment. In one quick tip the once too hot coffee becomes the perfect temperature to consume! All the while leaving the remaining coffee hot and aromatic! Meanwhile an ordinary coffee mug will cool down eventually to taste..... but by the time your half way through, it's cold. I only like cold coffee when its blended with some caramel!

My Experience:
I was lucky enough to try out this mug. I'll be honest the first time I used the mug I filled it up from a fresh pot and ran out the door. I was running late for Cody's dentist appointment. I'm pulling out of the yard and I turned the lid to "tip & cool", tipped it... and was kinda nervous. What if it doesn't work! I'll have a mouth full of really really hot coffee! I slowly took my sip...and it was nice and warm!! It floored me! Oh I was a happy camper! I even had Cody excited. So much he begged to try it with hot chocolate! That's when it dawned on me, I need to get these for the whole family! We do Winterhaven every year here at Christmas. (Its a neighborhood that goes all out with Christmas lights. The whole city turns out for it). We always get the kids a Styrofoam cup with hot cocoa. But its way too hot for them to enjoy while we walk. The only thing its good for is warming up your face til it cools down!
If I'd let my kids use it for hot cocoa that's saying a lot!
Would I Use This Company?
Absolutely! Very pleased.
Brugo Mugs come in 13 different colors so everyone can have their own, in their own color! The very awesome *and generous* Spero Pavlopoulos has allowed me to give one to a lucky reader!! Could be you!
But first if you want to just jump ahead and go get some for the whole family here's some great offers! When you buy at least 2 mugs you will recieve 25% off! Plus free shipping on any order over $50!
Rules of the Giveaway:
****Mandatory-->Go to the Brugo website and tell me your favorite color****
♥Extra Entries♥
- Follow me on Google Friend (1 extra)
- Follow me on Twitter and Brugo Mug (2 extra)
- Follow/email subscribe/ "like"on FB my new blog Reviews & Giveaways (4 extra) **(see below)
- Tweet about it (2 extra)
- "Like" Brugo Mugs On Facebook (2 extra)
- Write on your Facebook status about Brugo giveaway (2 extra)
- Subscribe via Email (1 extra)*Dont forget to confirm because I will check
- Blog about a hot coffee accident on your blog and why you really need a Brugo Mug so it never happens again, then link back to this post (5 extra)
*Only acceptable phrases to put for FB and Twitter: (one tweet/status update per day)
"I'm entered to win a @BrugoMug so I can enjoy my coffee NOW! Enter to win yours at TheChickenista http://tinyurl.com/BrugoMug #giveaway"
"@BrugoMug thought of me when they made this mug! I'm entered to win one at TheChickenista #giveaway http://tinyurl.com/BrugoMug"
"No more hot or cold coffee, just the perfect temperature! Thanks @BrugoMug! Win at TheChickenista #giveaway http://tinyurl.com/BrugoMug"
Giveaway entries received until 7/21/2010 at 11:59pm
**This will become my new home for R&G's. TheChickenista will return to my personal blog about becoming self-sufficient, raising kids and home educating with the helpful links tips and tricks.
218 Sweet Comments:
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 218 Newer› Newest»I like the truffle and the seaglass!
tiffanyniekro at gmail dot com
I follow on GFC!
tiffanyniekro at gmail dot com
I like the Passion color
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I follow you and Brugo on twitter (@jjak2003)1
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I follow you and Brugo on twitter (@jjak2003)2
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I like Brugo Mugs on facebook (Jessica Wagner)1
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I like Brugo Mugs on facebook (Jessica Wagner)2
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
I tweeted
jjak2003 at gmail dot com
My favorite is the Spring color
frugalsciencegal [at] gmail [dot] com
Subscribe via e-mail
frugalsciencegal [at] gmail [dot] com
Follow you and Brugo on twitter @FrugalScience
frugalsciencegal [at] gmail [dot] com
My favorite is Mediterranean. Thanks.
This is a great blog, and a great post! I would love to win that cup! Anyway, I like the seaglass!
I am following you back from the Thursday blog hop! By the way, how did you get the scrolling blog roll on the top and bottom of your blog? It is a great feature!
My favorite is Ruby
couponboss at gmail dot com
I love either the Dusk or Ruby in the executive collection!
I follow you on Google Friend
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I follow you and Brugo on Twitter (@sandyseppi)
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I like Brugo on Facebook
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My favorite color is the pink.
frankandkatie at gmail dot com
follow brugo mug on twitter as @frankandkatie
frankandkatie at gmail dot com
like brugo mugs on facebook (Katie T)
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like brugo mugs on facebook entry 2
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frankandkatie at gmail dot com
tweet entry 2
frankandkatie at gmail dot com
I like Passion color.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
1. I follow you and Brugo Mug on Twitter - Jnaetfaye
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
2. I follow you and Brugo Mug on Twitter - Jnaetfaye
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
1. I like Brugo Mug on Facebook - Janet Fri
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
2. I like Brugo Mug on Facebook - Janet Fri
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
I am email subscribed.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
daily tweet
frankandkatie at gmail dot com
My favorite color is Cobalt
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I follow your new blog.
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I wrote on my FB wall: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=9800874&v=wall&story_fbid=129766863727895&ref=mf #2
I subscribe via email.
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Tweet: http://twitter.com/emk808/status/17796298558 #2
Passion is my fave color
mommyfreetime at gmail dot com
I follow your blog
mommyfreetime at gmail dot com
daily tweet
frankandkatie at gmail dot com
following you and brugo on twitter
mommyfreetime at gmail dot com
following you and brugo on twitter 2
mommyfreetime at gmail dot com
following r&g blog 1
mommyfreetime at gmail dot com
following r&g blog 2
mommyfreetime at gmail dot com
following r&g blog 3
mommyfreetime at gmail dot com
following r&g blog 4
mommyfreetime at gmail dot com
fb fan of brugo mugs 1
mommyfreetime at gmail dot com
fb fan of brugo mugs 2
mommyfreetime at gmail dot com
I would get it in Cobalt!
I follow via GFC!
I like the emerald green! scg00387 at yahoo dot com
I follow you on twitter @desmoinesdealin scg00387 at yahoo dot com
http://twitter.com/DesMoinesDealin/status/17827315179 scg00387 at yahoo dot com
I follow Brugo Mug on twitter @desmoinesdealin scg00387 at yahoo dot com
Following on GFC already
Following on twitter and brugo mug
Following on twitter and brugo mug
Subsribed ... email kimmie1980ca@yahoo.com
"Like" Brugo Mugs On Facebook (kimmie_1980@hotmail.com)Kimberly Walker
"Like" Brugo Mugs On Facebook (kimmie_1980@hotmail.com)Kimberly Walker
My fav colour is the mist!
daily tweet
frankandkatie at gmail dot com
I like the Spring color
Heather R
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(Heather Ransom)
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(Heather Ransom)
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I like the cobalt blue mug
rfbarczak at yahoo dot com
I follow your blog
rfbarczak at yahoo dot com
purple = my favorite color for the mug
bmcbroom @ gmail dot com
I like the Truffle color
Just became a blog follower
daily tweet
frankandkatie at gmail dot com
I like the color: Passion
prpldy (at) comcast dot net
i like the spring color
Blog follower publicly via Google Friend Connect, my ID: prpldy.
prpldy@comcast dot net
#1 follow you and Brugo on twitter, my id: prpldy
prpldy (at) comcast dot net
#2 follow you and Brugo on twitter, my id: prpldy
prpldy (at) comcast dot net
#1 tweet: http://twitter.com/prpldy/status/18300333231
prpldy (at) comcast dot net
#2 tweeted: http://twitter.com/prpldy/status/18300333231
prpldy (at) comcast dot net
"liked" Brugo on FB
prpldy (at) comcast dot net
"liked" Brugo on FB
prpldy (at) comcast dot net
My favorite color is Mist!
claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!
Tweet: http://twitter.com/claudecampeau/status/18347725561
claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!
Tweet: http://twitter.com/claudecampeau/status/18347725561
entry 2
claudecampeau at videotron dot ca
Thanks for the chance to win!
I like the 'passion'
love the color slice (aka orange)
sultansmom at gmail dot com
follow you on google
sultansmom at g mail dot com
My favorite colour is Spring.
I follow on GFC
Follow YOU and BrugoMug on Twitter (@twinglesmama)
email subscribed to R&G site and "LIKE" on FB
I like Brugo on FB
daily tweet
frankandkatie at gmail dot com
I like cobalt!
daily tweet
frankandkatie at gmail dot com
I like the Mediterranean colour the best.
http://mylife--smookiestyle.blogspot.com (come check me out!)
My favorite is the Brugo Mug in "mist" angiewith3 at live dot com
already following via google friend connect
angiewith3 at live dot com
Following you and Brugo on twitter as @angiewith3
angiewith3 at live dot com
Following you and Brugo on twitter as @angiewith3
angiewith3 at live dot com
"like" Brugo mugs on facebook (Angela Beechan) angiewith3 at live dot com
"like" Brugo mugs on facebook (Angela Beechan) angiewith3 at live dot com
Love the black
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com
Wow...let's see... I like the yellow (is it called something else??), I put a blurb on my status on FB (BloomN78 or Blossom Barden), I'm following through GFC and Reviews & Giveaways through email. I don't know what else I did or was supposed to do! So many things... Really awesome idea though, and I want one!!
I also liked Brugo Mugs on FB :) So...unless I am miscounting that's 11 entries! Have never spilled my coffee in a way that is worthy of a post or I'd do that...
My favorite is Cobalt!
I follow on GFC!
The truffle is great - what a cool mug!
I follow you on twitter - amateurdelivre
I follow Brugo mug on twitter - amateurdelivre
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I tweeted about it at amateurdelivre
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frankandkatie at gmail dot com
I <3 the flamingo color!
I'm a GFC follower
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I like Brugo on FB Entry 2
I like Spring and Cobalt in the Jazz collection.
I follow you on GFC publicly as Me as Mom.
My favorite color of Brugo is Mediterranean.
I follow with GFC
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I like the Dusk color
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following Brugo mug on twitter @bethwillis01
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My favourite brugo mug is the mediterranean one.
simonka_t at hotmail dot com
I follow you and Brufo mug on twitter as simonka_t
simonka_t at hotmail dot com
I follow you and Brugo mug on twitter as simonka_t
simonka_t at hotmail dot com
My fave color is Flamingo!
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
i follow u & Bruno mug on twitter @luvlybrunette77
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
#2 i follow u & Bruno mug on twitter @luvlybrunette77
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
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tweet #2:
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
e-mail subscriber
lyromero77 at yahoo dot com
# 1 i follow Reviews & Giveaways on GFC
lyromero77 at gmail dot com
#2 i follow Reviews & Giveaways on GFC
lyromero77 at gmail dot com
#3 i follow Reviews & Giveaways on GFC
lyromero77 at gmail dot com
#4 i follow Reviews & Giveaways on GFC
lyromero77 at gmail dot com
fav color is PASSION birdson@roadrunner.com
Like Brugo on FB Birdie Skolfield birdson@roadrunner.com #1
Like Brugo on FB Birdie Skolfield birdson@roadrunner.com #2
I follow on GFC birdson@roadrunner.com
daily tweet
frankandkatie at gmail dot com
I love the Mediterranean color!!
I like the Cobalt blue mug!
I follow you and Brugo on Twitter @erobison09
I follow you and Brugo on Twitter @erobison09 #2
I like Brugo on FB
I like Brugo on FB #2
Daily Tweet - http://twitter.com/wowcheckitout/status/19048934557 Entry #1
Daily Tweet - http://twitter.com/wowcheckitout/status/19048934557 Entry #2
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